The primary purpose of going to Singapore is to take a lot photos about this place. Targetted locations are orchard road, bugis, Chinatown, sentosa island, clark quay, marina barage and esplande.
I don't know should I blame the weather or myself for bad planning? So far I have been to 4 locations out of my list but the most satisfied and the most photos are at Chinatown and clarke quay.
So I am planning to go there again but this time I must make sure it is not raining season and the locations I want to go. I can skip Chinatown and Clarke quay next time since most of the photos are quite satisfied.

I got to thank my friends who purposely take a day off to go out with me and given me very warm hospitality while I am in Singapore. Really appreaciate it.
Not forget to mention that I manage to meet up with my long lost primary school friend who didn't see each other for more than ten years after graduated 10 years. Time really flies so fast that I can't even imagine it. I missed the chance to meet him in Penang but with the fate given by god, we met up in Singapore. I found that it is a bit unbelievable but the truth is there.
Oh ya, one more very coincidence incident. When I came out from a cab on Sunday at tiong baru plaza and about to cross the road, a car stopped in front of me. It was my friend who picked me up from the airport and we suppose to meet up the next day. Wow... How conincident is it? I think all these already been arranged by god.