Saturday, April 17, 2010

My NEW Blog Site

Hello everybody, you must be wondering why I have been quiet, look busy and not updating my blog so frequently. You are partly right, I am not leaving my blog alone and stay quiet, I was busy setting up my new blog site – Please update your bookmark.


I knew that setting up a blog for myself is not so easy (as in having my own domain name, customized template and so on). Sometimes it back me off when I come to think of it but I told myself, it's time, I can't just sit there and wait for miracle while using the old one.

Anyway, to keep the long short, I have successfully setup the site and guess what? IT IS READY TO GO LIVE!

So In the future, please visit instead of this site as I am not going to update here anymore.

Welcome to my new place and leave your footprints over there.

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