Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hennesey Artistry in Opera Sunway

Sorry for the delayed posting about the event that happened last 3 weeks, as I was one of the official photog and you will know why if you read this post.

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I was in charge of the photo board right at the entrance so I can capture almost everyone who wanted to enter the event and most of them are willingly to stand at the board for photography.

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This is the place where you can try on how DJ works and play with the intruments.

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There were a few entrance to cater for different category of people to enter. There are guests, VIP, VVIP, media and bloggers.

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I caught DJ Sarasa too. She was one of the DJ on that night. Scroll further and you will see her in actions.

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Shawn Lee, the beatboxer, small boy with big sounds.

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One of the leng lui who in charge at the photo board as well.


The managing director of Advertlets, Josh Lim with some leng luis and len zais. If you wonder what advertlets is, click at the hyperlink and check it out, at least I am one of the supporter. :)

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It is always fun to attend such an event with a group of friends. Don't believe me? Look at the photo below, you can always see from their faces.

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The first 3 people are the part timer for this event. I had a great experience working with them too. Whenever I press the shutter button, they will come and ask me for the file name of the photo. LOL... It was great working with you guys ya, hope that we have chance to work together again.

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OK, before I went into the club to snap some nice photos of course I asked another OP to take a photo of myself first. For record sake?


This photo was taken at the top floor, roof top of Opera Club. They had a press conference here in the evening before the event started at night.

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The pretty girls in the club, you can just walk to the counter and they will serve a good cocktail for you.

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Trying out a shot in the club. Seems like not bad ya?

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Shawn Lee was performing.

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And you see how high are the guests. Full of joy.

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Here you see, DJ Sarasa in action.

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Last but not least when I walked out from the club, I met @JonYKT and his gang. His blog has been featured in 8tv before. Want to know more about this person? Click the hyper link at his name to find out. :)

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