Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Annual Dinner

Last week I attended my company’s annual dinner. The starting time was at 7pm but I arrived at 7.30pm, not that I am following some other country’s time zone nor the Malaysian custom but it was due to my partner can’t finish the make up on time. Haha… understandable because girls must “zh'ng sui sui” before going out especially this kind of event and I want her to be the best for that night (although didn’t get best dress). :P

It was a great event although some part in the middle is a bit boring but I will treat that as a "break" for me to go for photo shoot. I wasn’t the OP for this event and I suppose to sit back, relax and eat only but how can I not taking photo for such a great night?

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My friends were asking me why everyone was wearing so special on that night? Then only I realize that I have forgotten to mention, the theme for the night is called “All Around the World”. So, you choose which country or even century you want to come from.

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I think next time they should come out something more creative such as back to school theme. "Back to school" doesn’t mean you can only wear secondary school uniform from Malaysia. You can still wear those unform from different schools e.g. Junior College, Sec School, Pri School  and etc and from different country as well. Don’t la every year also around the same theme. Boring…

While I was cracking my head on what to wear, finally I have decided to wear “normal” which representing “from the western”. Wahahah…

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We have our very own in-house live bands. The photos below are showing the "Fronzen Toes" performing on the stage.

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And here’s another band called "Undecided" (wondering when can they really make a decision :P ).

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That's the end for the write up for this event. Next up will be my very first prewedding photo album for my friends. Stay tuned and do remember to come back later. ;)

1 comment:

  1. nice pictures.. if i attend such events, i'll be moving around as well.. =)

