Tuesday, February 23, 2010

The Plumber

I was away during the week of Chinese New Year and suddenly I receive a call from one of my housemate telling me that the water pipe that supply water to my shower in the master room has broken. Water was splashing out and wet the kitchen area.

When I reached home I immediately contacted the plumber who did the pipping for me before to fix the problem. He came on the same day I made the call and I found that this was quite efficient but the problem arose later.

After examining the broken pipe, he suggested I change that to a PVC pipe instead of a soft one. I agreed with him because the soft pipe doesn't seem to be able to stand for the pressure for long run.

After the changing process have done, I almost fainted. Look at the mess around.


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He burnt old newspaper and use the fire to soften the pipe so that he can shape it easily. I am fine with that method but using newspaper is really not professional and see what are the side effect around? My wall has been burn, all the ashes are every where on the floor.


OK, these are not the worst part yet, perhaps some of you might say this is normal after pipping work or even construction. OK, I am fine with it and accept the fact that I need to clean the mess after plumbing work.

But one thing that I can't accept is how he fixed the pipe in the bathroom. As you can see from the photo below, I don't understand why he installed the pipe until so low then only put a connector to my shower.


I mean he should also see is it convenient for people to use it. Like what you see from the photo, once you open the door and come in, your face will directly hit up with the white soft pipe. I told him should connect the pipe higher so that it won't block the way but he told me the white pipe is not long enough to go up. But the pipe was originally connected above, what did meant not long enough? This is a mistake that he didn't want to admit.

A plumber should be a solution provider, I paid him for solving my problem but not introducing more problems for me to resolve. OK, learned from the mistake and I will never ever ask him back again.

1 comment:

  1. u didn't pay him enough is it...or u asked for a cheap solution just like all our other business users? :P

    obviously he lazy to cut the pipe shorter lar...
